[PDF] Customer Fraud And Business Responses Let The Marketer Beware Ebook
Customer Fraud And Business Responses Let The Marketer
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CUSTOMER FRAUD AND BUSINESS RESPONSES: Let the Marketer Beware Customer fraud and business responses : let the marketer beware / Kelly Tian and Bill Keep. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 1567203876 (alk. paper) 1. Retail tradeSecurity measuresUnited States. 2. Business lossesUnited StatesPrevention. 3. Inventory shortagesPrevention. I. Keep, Bill. II. Title. Customer Fraud and Business Responses : Let the Marketer ... Get this from a library! Customer Fraud and Business Responses : Let the Marketer Beware.. [Kelly Tepper Tian; Bill Keep] -- Annotation From remarkably frank and believable responses to their research questionnaire, marketers Tian and Keep provide a wide ranging catalogue of frauds that customers perpetrate on ... Customer Fraud and Business Responses: Let the Marketer ... From remarkably frank and believable responses to their research questionnaire, marketers Tian and Keep provide a wide ranging catalogue of frauds that customers perpetrate on businesses--and why they do it. The researchers report that customer fraud seems to be achieving the status of socially acceptable behavior.
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